Malnutrition in the OIC Member
Countries: A Trap for Poverty
Figure 9: Prevalence ofOverweight in OICand Non-OIC Countries, 1990 /94 - 2010/16,
Developing Countries Only
Source: Authors calculations based on theJoint Malnutrition Estimatesfrom UNICEF, WHOand the World Bank
Overweight has fallen over the entire period in 22 OIC countries. Overweight has fallen most
substantially in Yemen (-6 pp), Mauritania (-5.6 pp), Lebanon (-4 pp), Oman (-4 pp), Jordan (3.9 pp), Uzbekistan (-3.1 pp) and Pakistan (-3 pp). In relative terms, the largest decreases have
occurred in Mauritania (-82%), Yemen (-75), Guinea-Bissau (-55%), Oman (-48%), Jordan (45%), Nigeria (-44%) and Senegal (-43%).
Over the same period, overweight has increased in 27 OIC countries. Largest increases in
absolute value have been recorded in Albania (+14 pp), Tunisia (+11 pp), Libya (+9 pp), Egypt
(+8.8 pp) and Azerbaijan (+7 pp). In relative terms, the worst performers are: Mali (+840%),
Bangladesh (+600%), Maldives (+442%), Saudi Arabia (+408%) and Tunisia (+286%). The
very high relative increases in these countries must be understood in light of the very low
initial value of overweight there (e.g. 0.5% in Mali, 0.2% in Bangladesh, 1.2% in Maldives).
As for wasting and overweight, annex Apresents further details on the evolution of overweight
among OIC countries.