Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
kind of the trainings that after the calf is delivered they say you remain with mother
and give the calf to others and again after delivers another calf you give the calf away.
There is a way that they designed it such that you transfer one to the other person
remain caring for yours as personal, you transfer like that like that, so that is the
government going this far.”(P5Ug)
“I cannot remember the organization which did that initiative but it tried to train
people and give them some goods like boing machines like small tools for hair dressers
but of course this equipment which are cheap and can be managed.” (P4Ug)
Figure 5.5: Poverty eradication through skill acquisition
Skill training has reduced poverty levels in the country.
The poor people could not manage resources to enroll for skill training (they need to
work hard for their living).
TVET sector has not attracted poor people for skill training.
The country has provision to send skilled manpower to other countries (who in return
earn foreign currency).
TVET graduates in some cases have been actively involved in creating jobs through
Government in some cases has specific policies for attracting poor people towards skill
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,00
Provided supports to poor people for increasing…
Has provision to attract poor people towards…
Provides free skills training for poor students
High number of job provisions created
Skill training has reduced poverty levels
Poor people could not manage resources to enrol
TVET sectors attracted poor people for skill training
Has provision to send skilled manpower to abroad
TVET graduates creating jobs via entrepreneurship
Government does not have any specific policies…
Poverty eradication through skill acquisition
X (Administrators)
X (Teachers)