Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
From Table 5.14 and Figure 5.6, we conclude with the following findings i.e. the extent of
relationship between TVET institutions and industry and prove of existing Gap:
It is undecidedwhether there is a lack of link between skill development and industry
(thus leading to low employments) or not. However, according to the industrial
findings that is, in support with teachers (low mean value) that indeed, there is some
link between skill development and industries (See Table 5.16: item1).
It is also undecided on whether outdated skill training that are either compatible
(matching) with the current need of the labor market or not.
Industries depend
on the job training
for their labor forces. Therefore, many industries
have provided
on the job training
to enhance skills
Uganda TVET graduates are not competent enough to meet industrial requirement
There is norelationship between the number of TVETgraduates and the skilledworkers
needed in the industries
Industries provide feedback to TVET institutions that graduates are unable to meet the
current industrial requirement
TVET Institutions have organized industrial attachments (internship) for enhancing
skills among the students
Figure 5.6: TVET and industries linkage and existing gap
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50
Lack of link between skill development & industry
Outdated skill training
Industries provide on job training to enhance skills
Graduates are not competent to meet industrial…
No relationship between no of TVET graduates and…
Feedback from Industries
Industrial attachments (internship)
TVET and Industries linkage and Existing Gap
X (Administrators)
X (Teachers)