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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


Faith-based needs:

Strictly Practicing, Practicing and Non-Practicing. These areas have been

expanded on in 1.2.3.

Based on the above framework, different Muslim traveler profiles can be developed and

specifically targeted by destinations. Four profiles are given below as common examples.

Profile 1

This is a profile of a Southeast Asian family, including generation X parents and young adult

children. This type of family is most likely to be traveling on an average budget, and usually for

the purposes of sightseeing, shopping and dining. They would also show an interest in any

Islamic heritage at the destination. Trips tend to be planned in advance, to accommodate

scheduling around school holidays and work leave. Personal experience factors into planning

as there is often a preference for familiar holiday destinations. New locations tend to be

researched in depth, with sites to visit planned beforehand.

Figure 11: Muslim Traveler Profile Tool – Profile 1