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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


Travel Group/Age

Generation X traveling with

older children

Travel during school holidays

They plan trips early

Young couples with children

Travel shorter distances


Assisted trip planning with

travel agents

Early trip planning

Multi-generation family


– Muslim tourists

traveling with immediate and

extended families are the

most common Muslim travel

segment. The size of the

travel group can be from 5/6

to 10/15

Assisted trip planning with

travel agents


accommodation preferred

Travel during school holidays

Millennials/Generation Y

– youth traveling alone or with

friends. Although the majority of Muslim tourists used to be

male oriented, the female tourist share has risen rapidly and is

now highly significant.

Educated and with minds of their own, they are not afraid to

challenge the status quo. They will seek to question why a

particular location does not adequately meet the needs of the

Muslim traveler and consequently share their doubts with


More informed and brand-savvy, and are very likely to question

and demand more in their travels.

Likely to book Airbnb

Free and easy travelers

Young Muslim tourists enjoy fun, freedom and adventure


Luxury travel.

Expect a very high level of

service and satisfaction in

their travel experiences.

Book through travel agents

Expect airport transfer

Fine dining is sought out

Shopping would be at major

malls for designer apparel

and other items

Average budget

Book online with preference

towards prepaid package tour

Preference towards online

travel agents offering

competitive pricing

Airlines offering promotions or

deals would be preferred

Discounts or vouchers for


Attractions offering


Low budget

Use low-cost/budget airline


Homestay/No-frill hotels or

stay with friends or relatives

Preference is to seek best

deals and discounts

Unlikely to use travel agents

Dining would be at food

courts or fast food outlets

Travel motivation/reasons;

These areas have been expanded in 1.2.4.

Sightseeing, shopping and


Visiting friends and relatives

Going on a Honeymoon

Discovering Islamic heritage

and history


Local cultural experience

Research and Trip Planning

Personal Experiences

Familiarity with a country/region via a

previous visit

Travel agents

For bookings and recommendations

Word of mouth

Personal recommendations of family or

friends. Family and friends as key influencers

in travel decisions as well as choice of travel

agents or online travel sites.


For travel information/recommendations,

bookings and prayer times.

The overall rate of internet use amongst Muslim

tourists is still relatively low. Although internet

booking constitutes only a relatively small

portion of all bookings, the expected growth

rates are very high as Muslim users become

increasingly web literate and smart phony savvy.