Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
The extravagance ef cencemptien can alee have ctrieec health implications, cech ac obesity,
which hac beceme a greater glebal burden than malnetritien (Gray, 2013], The UN hac identified
the link between ever-cencemptien, feeh wacte anh health anh ac cech hac pregramc which
meve away frem a cele fecec en feeh wacte te cectainable feeh cyctemc e,g, the ‘Sectainable
Meeh Syctemc (SMS] Programme’ ef the 10-Year Mramewerk fer Pregrammec en Sectainable
Cencemptien anh Prehectien Patternc (10YMP](UNEP, 2016], Thic emerging trenh ic alce being
pickeh ep in ceme Iclamic ctatec, cech ac Qatar, which hac preheceh ene ef the firct natienal
hietary geihelinec te integrate principlec ef feeh cectainability, anh incerperatec environmental
cectainability anh feeh cecerity, anh pepelatien cencernc ever feeh wacte (Seeh, 2014],