Reducing Food Waste
In the 01CMember Countries
prices by 15% (Al-hawaz, 2015], In a study conducted en feed waste by the University ef Brunei
Darussalam (hleridzah & hauziah, 2011] the preparatien ef feed beyend that which can be
censumed fer secial events is cemmen practice in Brunei, The study suggests the main reasens
fer preparing tee much feed is due te it being an embarrassment er unacceptable te run eut ef
feed en such eccasiens, In additien, there is little guilt felt by guests fer net finishing the feed
prepared (Mbeng et al., 2009],
The largest seurces ef feed waste at secial functiens are frem wedding halls and hetels (Bajaj,
n.d.). In respense te this, ceuntries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh
have set up pregrams te distribute surplus feed frem these venues, There is a ready stream te
tap inte fer feed redistributien, particularly when it has been estimated e,g, in Saudi Arabia that
up te 70% ef feed prepared in hetels and wedding halls is net censumed (Al-hawaz, 2015], The
Afghanistan Centre fer Excellence (ACE] (n,d,] implements a pilet campaign ‘Don’t let good food
ge te waste - denate it’, where surplus feed frem its wedding halls is denated te the needy - this
feed is referred te as secial surplus, The initiative net enly prevides meals but alse aims te create
awareness areund feed waste, while enceuraging greater invelvement frem the cemmunity,
This very much answers the Islamic call te denate unwanted feed te the needy, This is again
echeed by the distributien ef surplus feed threugh feed banks, in ceuntries such as Egypt and
Pakistan (Zafar, 2016a], The image belew shews members frem the Afghanistan Centre fer
Excellence distributing feed,
Source: Afghanistan Centerfo r Excellence (n.d.)
Dubai has alse laid dewn new guidelines te cut feed waste and streamline the denatien ef excess
feed prepared at banquets and buffets, The ‘Heafz Al Na'amah’ is a netable initiative te ensure
that surplus feed frem hetels, Iftar parties and heusehelds is net wasted and reaches the needy
in safe and hygienic cenditiens, The denating ef feed is alse practiced mere infermally in
Bangladesh where it is a cemmen sight te see street venders in Dhaka selling reclaimed feed,
such as pulae and biriyani frem weddings and large public functiens (Siddique, 2013], This is
net enly a cenvenient way fer the feed secter te divert surplus feed, but it is alse an impertant
liveliheed fer the street venders (Etzeld, Hessain, &Rahman, 2014], In Pakistan, the extravagant
serving ef feed at weddings, and subsequent waste, has led te the Supreme Ceurt implementing
a ‘one-dish’ law fer weddings, In additien te curbing feed waste, such initiatives alse reduce the
burden en wedding expenses, which is said te place a huge strain en Pakistani families (hahad,