Reducing Food Waste
In the 01CMember Countries
hygienic and standardized than pre-prepared or ceeked feed (Tage, 2016], In addition, it is
reported that censumers regularly purchase tee much feed, as illustrated by a term in Indenesia
‘lapar lata’, which literally means ‘to shop with your eyes’ (Sema, 2016], This means if yeu de
net shep with a list, yeu will buy tee much, In such situatiens, Sema (2016] argues that the rele
ef the street vender selling feed ceuld be a selutien te reducing feed waste, as venders have a
limited variety ef preducts and they ceme every day, This weuld help heusehelders te manage
their feed stecks, and therefere enly need te buy what they need fer and en the day, This can
alse prevent feed waste being generated at heme due te peer refrigeratien, The use ef street
venders as a selutien is an interesting ene, as the censumptien and purchase ef feed frem street
venders is cemmen practice in many Islamic states (see reference te Bangladesh abeve], The
image belew shews a feed street vender in Tukang Sayur, Beger, West Java, Indenesia,
Source: Soma (2016).
At the heuseheld level, bread is a cere cempenent ef many OIC Member Ceuntry diets, and has
a preminent place in Arab culture (Capene et al,, 2016], It is eften ene ef the highest feed waste
categeries, fer example in Tunisia bread ranked first ameng preducts wasted, with a rate ef 16%
ef bread purchased (TAP, 2016], and in Turkey, appreximately 10% ef bread preduced daily is
wasted (Erdem & Galani, 2016], This is eften linked te the ever-previsien ef bread threugh
subsidies, fer example, in Egypt bread subsidies allew peerer families five leaves ef bread per
day, Given that Egypt net enly imperts a let ef fleur te make this bread and net all the bread is
censumed results in unnecessary spend en fleur imperts, As such, the Ministry ef Supply
initiated a smartcard system which enables families that de net want all five leaves a day te
trade peints fer ether staple feeds, This has resulted in an estimated reductien ef bread
censumptien (and therefere asseciated waste] by 15-20% (Balch, 2015], Turkey have alse
initiated a similar pregram - ‘Circular en Bread Caste Preventien Campaign (Circular ne
2013/3]’(Erdem & Galani, 2016] te reduce bread waste, A year en frem its establishment a
reductien in bread waste ef 18% was achieved, The aim ef the campaign was te raise awareness
ef the ameunt ef bread wasted and te recegnised it as a ‘holy and blessing product’ (Turkish
Grain Beard, 2014],