Reducing Food Waste
In the 01CMember Countries
1.5.1. G lo b a l in itia t iv e s
SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
At a global level, ene ef the key initiatives is SAVE FOOD -launched by the
FAO and Messe Düsseldorf in 2011 (hAO, 2016b], It is a global partnership
ef public and private sector organizations and companies wishing te
reduce feed waste and eradicate hunger, The programme rests en four
main pillars:
• Creating awareness en the impact ef, and solutions fer feed waste through a global
communication and media campaign, the dissemination ef research findings and
regional congresses,
• Collaboration and co-ordination ef werld-wide initiatives en feed waste
• Policy, strategy and programme development fer feed waste reduction,
• Capacity building, technical and managerial support fer projects piloting and
implementing feed waste reduction strategies by the private and public sectors,
The initiative is supported by ether United Nations (UN]
organizations, notably the World heed Programme (WhP), the
International hund fer Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), These
organizations werk together under the vision ef the UN
Secretary-General’s ‘Zero Hunger Challenge', with its fifth
element te achieve ‘zero less or waste ef feed’,
SAVE hOOD covers the following regions: European Union, North America and Australia, Japan
and The Republic ef Korea, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, North Africa and the Near East, Sub-
Saharan Africa, South and East Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean,
Think.Eat.Save: Reduce your foodprint
In 2012 a global campaign te cut feed waste was launched by
UNEP, the hAO and partners, The campaign is part ef the SAVE
hOOD initiative and targets feed wasted by consumers, retailers
and the feed service sector (hospitality), The campaign harnesses
the expertise ef organizations such as WRAP, heeding the 5,000
and national governments, Think,Eat,Save aims te accelerate
action and provides a global vision and information-sharing portal fer global feed waste
initiatives (www,thinkeatsave,erg),
Te ensure consistency and joined up practice, UNEP together with WRAP, the hAO and the SAVE
hOOD Initiative have published ‘Guidance en the Prevention and Reduction ef heed and Drink
Waste’, This document guides governments, local authorities and businesses en ways te reduce
feed waste and save natural resources, The guidance also provides a basis fer targeted action,