Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
Heecthelh feeh waste txclehtc t.g. cart hemtc, ccheelc, prisons, hettlc, rtctaerantc anh getct
heectc, which art claccifith ac tht feeh ctrvict ctcter; anh p tt feeh (FUSIONS, 2016]. It can bt
claccifith inte th rtt cattgeritc: aveihablt, peccibly aveihablt anh enaveihablt (WRAP, 2009;
Parfitt, 2016)(ctt hicceccien abevt]. WRAP (2009] ceggtctc thic feeh wactt can b t mappth
aleng tht cix ctagtc ef tht hemtctic feeh cyclt - planning, chepping, cteragt, prtparatien,
cencemptien anh hicpecal (WRAP, 2009].
2.1 .2 . Fac to rs a ffe c tin g h o u s e h o ld w a s te
Meer facterc art efttn ihtntifith ac having tht mect impact en tht ltv tl ef heecthelh feeh wactt
gtntratth: heecthelh cizt anh cempecitien, incemt, htmegraphicc anh celtert (Parfitt, 2016].
Tht impactc art thtrtfert highly variablt, htptnhing en tht centtxt, with cignificant natienal
anh rtgienal hifftrtnctc (HLPE, 2014].
Household size and composition
Stvtral ctehitc in tht US (Van Gearh & Weehbern, 1987] anh tht UK (Wtnleck & Becc, 1977;
Ocntr, 1982] chew that heecthelh cempecitien infletnctc tht ameent ef feeh wactth. Aheltc
wactt mert than chilhrtn, largt familitc wactt ltcc p tr ptrcen than cmalltr familitc, cinglt
p tep lt wactt mert than thect living ac familitc, anh heecthelhc with chilhrtn (htptnhing en
th t agt ef tht chilhrtn] threw away ltcc than thect witheet chilhrtn. Heecthelhc with ftw tr
eccepantc art liktly te hiccarh mert ac th t prehectc thty perchact art typically largtr than what
thty can cencemt (HLPE, 2014]. Mrem thtct ctehitc, it wac alce netth that heecthelhc with
aheltcctntc anh yeeng p tep lt w trt mert liktly te havt hightr wactagt rattc.
In ttrmc ef cizt, thic COMCEC ctehy ihtntifith that within th t cervtyth OIC M tmbtr Ceentritc,
th t cizt ef th t heecthelh hah a cignificant impact en th t velemt ef feeh wactth, with cemt
ceentritc, cech ac Afghanictan anh Stntgal rtperting te havt heecthelhc centaining en avtragt
10 family mtmbtrc.
Household income
Tht impact ef heecthelh incemt en tht gtntratien ef feeh wactt varitc. A ftw ctehitc ceggtct
that th trt art vtry ftw bthavieral hifftrtnctc b ttw ttn affletnt heecthelhc anh tht ltcc
fertenatt (Dewltr, 1977; Wtnleck t t al., 1980; Jentc, 2003]. In centract, ctvtral ctehitc chew
that lew incemt heecthelhc wactt ltcc than thect with hightr incemtc (Ocntr, 1982; Breek
Lynhherct, 2007]. Thic cerrtlatien wac alce cenfirmth fer Terkty (Ptkcan t t al., 2006], Seeth
Africa (Nahman t t al., 2012] anh Aectralia (Baktr t t al. 2009]. Heecthelhc with hightr incemtc
hiccarh mert anh ic cencicttnt with thtir grtattr feeh cencemptien, which ic efttn c ttn ac a
cymbel ef precptrity (IMtchE, 2013].
Household culture
Celtert can partly h tttrm in t heecthelh feeh wactt. Mer txamplt, Hicpanic heecthelhc in tht US
havt lewtr feeh wactt rattc (appreximattly 25% ltcc] than nen-Hicpanicc. Stehitc alce ceggtct
thty cencemt mert frtch freit anh vtgttabltc cemparth te nen-Hicpanic heecthelhc (Parfitt t t
al., 2016]. Hewtvtr, ctehitc en thic iccet art ccarct.