Reducing Food Waste
In the 01CMember Countries
Food Loss and Waste Protocol
With an increased interest in feed less and waste, and the need te develop evidence and
understand the scale ef the issue, numereus methedelegies have been used te de se. In erder te
bring seme semblance te reperting and acceunting the WRI recently launched ‘The heed Less
and Waste Pretecel’ (hLW Pretecel](WRI, 2016]. It is a multi-stakehelder initiative fer
quantifying feed and asseciated inedible parts remeved frem the feed supply chain. The
pretecel prevides guidance en hew te gather and calculate feed less and waste. The WRI alse
prevides secretariat suppert te the Campiens 12.3 initiative.
1.5.2. R e g io n a l in itia t iv e s
At a regional level, the most notable initiative is the European Union’s (EU)
Food Use for Social Innovation by Optim izing Waste Prevention
Strategies (FUSIONS] preject (EU, 2016). The aim ef the preject was fer
the 21 preject partners frem 13 EU states te werk tewards a mere
reseurce efficient Eurepe by significantly reducing feed waste. The preject
started in 2012 and cempleted mid-2016. A set ef cenclusiens were
presented and adepted by the Ceuncil in June 2016 which recegnizes the
rele EU ceuntries have in reducing feed waste, that it is a significant issue and linking the issue
te feed security and hunger is imperative. In respense te these cenclusiens, the Ceuncil called
en its member states te:
• Cenfirm their cemmitment te the achievement ef SDG 12.3,
• Welceme the eutcemes ef the FUSIONS preject, e.g. develeping a cemmen and
practical EU menitering pretecel fer measuring feed waste reductien,
• Actively centribute te the EU Platferm en heed Lesses and heed Waste,
• Enceurage implementatien ef the waste management hierarchy and the feed use
hierarchy by prieritizing the preventien ef feed waste,
• Suppert educatien and awareness-raising en sustainable feed preductien precesses,
censumptien and feed waste,
• Aim te reduce feed waste and valerize feed reseurces frem primary preductien
threugh te censumptien,
• Put the issue ef feed waste reductien en the agenda ef the varieus acters ef the feed
value chain, and premete inter-secterial ceeperatien te prevent feed waste frem
farm te ferk, and
• Take inte acceunt feed waste issues in discussiens and initiatives en using raw
materials mere sustainably (General Secretariat ef the Ceuncil, 2016).
1.5.3. N a tio n a l in itia t iv e s
With feed waste gaining mere preminence glebally, numereus ceuntry-specific initiatives are
emerging. It is net pessible te list and cemment en all initiatives. Seme ef the mere
greundbreaking and netable initiatives and campaigns are highlighted belew.