Reviewing Agricultural Trade Policies
To Promote Intra-OIC Agricultural Trade
trading blocs or group means there are complementarities due to different sorts of fruits and
vegetables differing according to geographic location e.g. tropical fruits. The aggregation at
trading bloc level is another reason for which those blocs seem to be exporters and importers of
the same agricultural products. For example, since OIC comprises Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and
Nigeria which are among the world top 10 lamb producers together with Pakistan and Turkey
among the top ten beef producers results in the OIC as a group being both exporter and importer
of meat, despite a concrete trade deficit in this category as a whole.
Figure 2. 6 Breakdown of Agricultural Exports by Major Trading Blocs, 2016
Source: ITC Macmap, CEPII BACI, Eurostat RAMON, UN Comtrade, UN Trade Statistics, and authors’