Reviewing Agricultural Trade Policies
To Promote Intra-OIC Agricultural Trade
support farmers and improve agricultural productivity, to provide consumers with
stable and affordable food supply
guarantee EU farmers a reasonable living
help tackling climate change and the sustainability of natural resources
protect rural areas and landscapes across the EU
keep the rural economy alive promoting jobs in farming, agri-foods industries and
associated sectors
This is how EU is actually a leading global actor in agricultural trade as seen above, despite the
fact that its members are mostly developed, industrialized countries, with a leading role in the
global trade of services.
2.3. Global Agricultural Trade Policy Measures
Global agricultural products trade is influenced by trade policy measures applied by all
In 2016, more than two third of EU-28 agricultural trade has been realized within the Union
(Figure 2. 10). Half of NAFTA’s trade took place within the bloc. For the rest of the three blocs,
the intra-group trade is much less considerable than EU-28 and NAFTA, the highest share of one
third being within OIC.
Figure 2. 10 Share of Intraregional Trade in Agricultural Products, %, 2016
Source: ITC Macmap, CEPII BACI, Eurostat RAMON, UN Comtrade, UN Trade Statistics, and authors’
Figure 2. 11 displays the evolution of the trade agreements since the mid-20
century. The
number of agreements shown by the grey bar is the number of joining an RTA per year which
started to increase in the beginning of 90’s (left axis). The total number of countries joining an
RTA and notifying the WTO
(cumulative notifications shown by the yellow line) is actually
almost 500 (right axis).
Table 2.4 shows ad valorem equivalent of the average tariff rates in percentage applied by the
major trading blocs and the OIC for the three agricultural categories and differentiating between
the tariffs applied within the group of the ones applied to third countries.
WTO Members joining an RTA are obliged to notify it to the WTO, under related articles: Article XXIV of the GATT 1994 or
the Enabling Clause for RTAs covering trade in goods, or Article V of the GATS for RTAs covering trade in services. In case of
RTAs covering both goods and services, two notifications are required. The notification should be made after the ratification
of the RTA and before the application of preferential treatment.