Improving Transnational Transport Corridors
In the OIC Member Countries: Concepts and Cases
Figure 40: Railway construction projects on CAREC 3
Source: Unlocking the Potential of Railways, A Railway Strategy of CAREC 2017-2030.
Environmental and Energy Factors
The policy for CAREC corridors in general and corridor 3 in particular, on the environmental
and energy issues in the transport sector, is still very premature. The only initiative in this
region came from NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action), which is emerged as part
of the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change
(UNFCCC) for a long-term climate change agreement. For Kazakhstan, the proposed NAMA
fosters the use of natural gas in the road transport sector— expanding the refueling
infrastructure for compressed natural gas, vehicle conversion, and technical capacity support.
However, it is still in the early stage and the formal institutional framework supporting NAMA
development and implementation has yet to be established.
This initiative can be seen as a positive starting point to promote alternative-fuelled heavy-
duty vehicles in the region. Since it is an initiative at the national level, its positive impacts on
the corridor will not be seen in the near future. Adopting this initiative at the corridor level will
face several barriers, which are the same barriers faced by successful transport corridors like
TEN-T (see 2.10.1).