Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
study conducted by FAO noted that in Indonesia, as many as 13 million metric tons of food is
wasted every year. This could feed almost 11% of Indonesia's population—around 28 million
people—each year. Much of Indonesia's infrastructure is inadequate; this also applies to food
storage and food distribution.
In addition, many Indonesians' preference for fresh over frozen
food contributes to high levels of food waste. Here, there is a need for government regulation
and infrastructure improvements.
Indonesia's agricultural cooperation with other countries increases agricultural productivity
and maintains national food needs. The cooperation between Indonesia and other countries
benefits the transfer of knowledge and technology. Notable agricultural cooperation programs
carried out by the Indonesian government are noted below.
Indonesia is the largest agriculture-based country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) region. Food sector collaboration within the scope of ASEAN was initiated by the
signing of a cooperation agreement by the Minister of Agriculture of each ASEAN Country on
October 28, 1993 in Bandar Seri Begawan. The agreement had seven priority programs
Strengthen food security in the region
Facilitate and promote intra- and extra-ASEAN trade in agriculture, fishery, and forest
Generate and transfer technology to increase productivity and develop agribusiness and
Develop agricultural rural community and human resources
Invest in private sector involvement
Manage and conserve natural resources for sustainable development
Strengthen ASEAN cooperation and joint approaches for addressing international and
regional issues.
ASEAN has four action programs for food security, as follows:
Action Program 1.
Strengthen the ASEAN food security statistical and information
database to provide technical and institutional assistance. Initiatives undertaken by the
ASEAN Food Security Reserve Board (AFSRB) and its secretariat use this to compile,
manage, and disseminate statistical data and information on food and food security.
Action Program 2.
Establish a Regional Food Security Information System for ASEAN.
This allowsmember countries to forecast for andmanage their food supplies, utilization
of basic commodities, and provide information investors need toundertake investments
and/or joint ventures in conducive areas.
Action Program 3.
Review the Agreement on the ASEAN Food Security Reserve to
realize effective cross-supply arrangements of food—especially rice—from food surplus
countries or other member countries to food-deficit countries during normal conditions
and in emergencies.
FoodWaste in Indonesi
“Strategic Plan of Action on ASEANCooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry.” ASEAN.