Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
The role of the Bureau of Meteorology and Climatology Geophysics (
Badan Meteorologi dan
BMKG) in estimating climate change in Indonesia also plays an important role in
estimating future food security. Future climate change is considered the policy basis from which
the Ministry of Agriculture will strive to maintain and increase agricultural production in
Social programs implemented by the Indonesian government in reducing the impact of food
crises to meet basic human needs takes the following forms
The Food Social Assistance Program. This is a social assistance distributed by the
government to beneficiary families (
Keluarga Penerima Manfaat
, KPM) in the form of
medium quality rice; it can be as much as 10 Kg per family, per month.
Non-Cash Food Aid (
Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai
/BPNT). This is social assistance from
the government to KPM that is givenmonthly through a card control called Prosperous
Family Card (
Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera
, KKS). It can be only spent on rice and eggs at
electronic shops called
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). This is well known internationally.
Government assistance programs for national agriculture in the fields of capital and finance
include the following:
Rice Farm Business Insurance. This protects against the risk of crop failure due to
flooding, drought, and attacks by plant pest organisms, with premiums paid at 3%of the
input costs of rice farming. The government pays 80% of the premium, while farmers
pay the remainder. Claimpayment for an area of one hectarewith damage of 75% is up
to 6 million Rupiah.
Kredit Usaha Rakyat
(KUR). This is a credit assistance program (up to 25 million per
debtor) for microbusinesses, including agriculture businesses. The interest rate in the
KUR program is quite low, at about 0.41% flat per month, and no provision or
administrative fees are charged.
Building Resilience: The Indonesian Experience and Future Planning
The government program to improve national food security is called “
Program Peningkatan
Diversifikasi dan Ketahanan Pangan Masyarakat
” (Program to Increase Diversification and
Community Food Security
The program has twomain objectives: 1) the provision of analytical
instruments, data, and information, as well as policy formulation, in order to strengthen the
availability of and access to food and the handling of vulnerabilities to food insecurity; and 2)
community empowermentin order todevelop theeconomy in vulnerableareas of food insecurity.
“Buletin Permantuan Ketahanan Pangan.” Vol 7. Aug 201
7. 0000021034/download/?_ga=2.39216355.1104935977.1561521403-1605669801.1559488784433
“ProgramBantuan Sosial Untuk Rakyat.” Dec 19, 2018.
“Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi, Solusi Kegagalan Panen.”
“Rencana Strategis Pusat Ketersediaan dan Kerawanan Pangan 2015-2019.” ngan%20Revisi%20III.pdf