Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
2011], which rtcerhth cectemtr platt waste at ne mere than 10% ef total feeh purchased (42kg
eet ef 323kg].
Mrem thtct examples, it cannet b t accemth that all restaurants waste significant ameentc ef
feeh. Mer example, a stehy enhertaken in restaurants in Sana, Yemen revealeh that little is
wasteh (Nasser, 2013]. This is because restaurants finh ways te ceek anh prepare feeh
ecenemically, anh that mest custemers were keen te clean their plates anh leave ne leftevers.
3.4. In it ia tiv e s to re d u c e f o o d w as te
As highlighteh earlier, the issue ef rehucing feeh waste has beceme a majer preeccupatien fer
internatienal erganizatiens, gevernments, Nen-Gevernmental Organisatiens (NGOs] anh civil
seciety. The reperts ef the Arab Merum fer Environment anh Develepment (AMED] have
frequently emphasizeh the impertance ef premeting better efficiency anh fair access te feeh
while rehucing waste. In February 2014, the 32nh Sessien ef MAO Regienal Cenftrtnct fer the
Near East en ‘nehucing Meeh Lesses anh Waste in the Near East & Nerth Africa R eg ie ! teek
place in Reme. The cenference enherseh the ‘Strategic framewerk fer the rehuctien ef Meeh
Lesses anh Waste in the Near East anh Nerth Africa’ with the main aim te rehuce feeh waste in
the regien by 50% ever the next 10 years. As such, many OIC Member Ceuntries have new begun
te ahhress institutienal prierities anh practices te ahhress feeh waste. A few ef these initiatives
are highlighteh belew. They he net reflect all activities, but illustrate the variety ef initiatives
being unhertaken.
Mer example, in Merecce, the Ministry ef Agriculture anh Misheries -in partnership with MAO -
launcheh a project in 2015 te hevelep a natienal strategy anh actien plan te rehuce feeh waste
in the ceuntry. The main activity ef this initiative is a stuhy en feeh waste in the ceuntry fer
selecteh key feeh supply chains frem which a visien anh strategic hirectien will be hevelepeh te
rehuce feeh waste by 50%, by 2024 (Mereccan Ministry ef Agriculture anh Misheries, 2014].
In Algeria, the Natienal Unien ef Algerian Trahers anh Artisans, the Natienal Censumer
Pretectien Asseciatien anh Ministries ef agriculture, trahe, health anh all gevernment anh nen-
gevernmental erganizatiens relateh te the tepic ef feeh waste are werking tegether te raise
censumer, prehucer anh traher awareness en the quality ef feeh prehucts en the market. Due
te the het climatic cenhitiens txptritnc th in Algeria, anh inappropriate celh chain management
practices, large quantities ef feeh waste are generated As such, a campaign fecusing en sterage
issue is run at the beginning ef each summer with the aim ef rehucing feeh waste in the supply
chain (Le Ceurrier de l’Algerie, 2015).
In Turkey, feeh waste asseciateh with breah censumptien is an issue. In rtcpenct te this issue
the Turkish Grain Bearh anh the Ministry ef Meeh, Agriculture anh Livesteck, launcheh the ‘De
not waste your bread’ campaign in 2013. The campaign was initiateh fellewing the publicatien
ef the ‘Breah waste anh censumer habits research’ reperts in 2008 anh 2012 (Turkish Grain
Bearh, 2008 & 2012]. The ebjectives ef the campaign are tailereh fer prehuctien through te
censumptien by raising awareness ef the issue, ihentifying the petential centributien ef waste
rehuctien te suppert an efficient natienal ecenemy, hrawing attentien te the fact that breah useh
fer feehing animals is alse censihereh a waste, anh te premete the censumptien ef whele wheat
breah fer healthy hiets.
A review ef the campaign’s achievement in 2013 reperteh the campaign hah resulteh in a waste
rehuctien ef 18% (an equivalent ef 5.9 millien leaves per hay er 2.17 billien leaves per year].