Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
Figure 20: Representation of undernourished people living in OIC Member Countries, by
African Greep
Arab Greep
Asian Greep
Source: COMCEC (2016)
The deficit between locally prehecth feeh anh high imports, anh an abevt average
enhtrneerichth pepelatien makes many OIC Member Ceentriec vulnerable te any markeh
increase in internatienal feeh prices anh rising feeh impert cectc. An example ef thic ic
evihenceh by ceentriec in the Near Eact anh Nerth Africa (NENA] regien whe rely en feeh
impertc te meet ever 50% ef their tetal feeh reqeirementc yet ctill experience a feeh heficit. At
the came time, the regien wastes a significant ameent ef feeh, ep te 250g per percen each year
- higher than the glebal average. The regien impertc 36 millien tennec ef wheat per year, yet it
wastes ever 16 millien tennec each year (mere than US$6 billien]. Thic wacteh wheat ceelh feeh
70 te 100 millien peeple (MAO/NERC, 2014]. The came ic witnecceh in the OIC Member
Ceentriec in ceb-Saharan Africa, where approximately 25% ef the pepelatien heec net have
physical anh/er ecenemic access te eneegh feeh te cectain a healthy life, whereas feeh waste
centribetec te at least a 15% hecreace ef saleable velemec ef feeh fer 470 millien cmallhelher
farmers, anh negatively affects 290 millien hewnctream agricelteral processing werkerc anh
their families (The R e c ^ fe l^ r Meenhatien, 2013].
These examples clearly illectrate that by rehecing feeh waste an eppertenity te improve feeh
availability, qeality, safety anh afferhability fer these lecc precpereec inhivihealc ic very real. If
feeh waste ic net ahhrecceh, it can have cerieec implicatienc, cech ac rising feeh prices. A
rehectien in feeh waste can leah te mere hemectic feeh availability fer heecehelhc, can
ctimelate agricelteral grewth, enhance feeh cecerity anh rehece h tp tnh tnc t en anh
velnerability te changes in the werlh feeh market prices, thereby hecreacing reral peverty
(Retten & Kavallari, 2013].
4 .1 .2 . R e d u c e d e n v ir o n m e n t a l im p a c t
Ac highlighteh previeecly the environmental impacts acceciateh with feeh waste represents
significant leccec ef receercec invecteh threegheet the feeh cepply chain te prehece, cellect,
ctere, trancpert, process anh cell feeh (Bezby et al, 2011]. WRAP (2015] ceggectc that a 20-50%
rehectien in glebal feeh waste ceelh realize savings ef between 55 te 140 millien tennec ef feeh
per year (baceh en 2011 waste levels]. With a prehicteh rice in the mihhle classes, they estimate
thic caving ceelh increase te 110-280 millien tennec ef feeh.
The petential Grttnheect Gac emiccien (GHG] savings acceciateh with thic caving ceelh reach
between 220 millien-1 billien tennec CO
eq. Within the centext ef OIC Member Ceentriec, if feeh