Improving Public Debt Management
In the OIC Member Countries
under its control and manage the flexible exchange rate to lean against inflationary pressures
(IMF 2015).
It is essential to rebuild fiscal buffers to sustain macroeconomic stability in Gambia. Budget
restructuring is urgently needed including a strategy to overhaul public enterprises in the
energy and telecommunication sectors to stem their demand on budget resources (IMF 2015).
The government is encouraged to continue its efforts in improving supervision capacity to
enhance financial stability (IMF 2015).
The quality of overall debt records is fairly good and relatively comprehensive but Gambia is
recommended to improve the connection and the matching of the CBG and DLDM databases
(PEFA 2015). Arrears are not systematically monitored and remained underreported (MoFEA
2015). So far no database for loan guarantees exists (MoFEA 2015) which gives rise to
underestimated total public and publicly guaranteed debt.