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Skills Development: Vocational Education

in the Islamic Countries



This report is designed in response to a request made by General Directorate of Foreign

Economic Relations of the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey to analyze skills

development in the OIC member countries through vocational education and to present

recommendations to improve the vocational education and training which will ease the

initiatives towards poverty eradication in OIC member countries. The research report was

constructed from extensive dialogue and consultationswith officials of Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) sectors, employers, academicians and other stakeholders from

three OICmember countries and alsoaccumulated insights fromdocuments and prior authentic

literature. The findings, recommendations and researcher’s experience will be presented in

Ankara during the 12


Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group. The main

purposes of this study are to (i) analyze the current status and trends regarding the vocational

education (VE) systems and its practices around the globe and within the OIC member states,

and (ii) recommend strategies to improve the current practices of VE systems within the OIC

member states with a special emphasis on students from poor socio-economic background. In

order to achieve the aims of this study, the following

research questions

were selected:

What is the current skills level in OIC and how has it changed over time?

What are the main factors that determine the skills levels of OIC member states?

What are the efforts to increase skills andwhat are the critical success factors of selected


Is there any skill gap between TVET institutions and respective industries?

How will appropriate skill acquisition lead to the reduction of poverty in OIC member


In order to address these research questions,

this study was exploratory in nature that focused

on mixed method approach (quantitative and qualitative) to address the research questions.

This study was based on three contexts- Bangladesh, Uganda and Palestine (Gaza Strip) TVET

sectors and their respective industrieswhere skilledworkers are employed. Participants in this

research were recruited from these three contexts. After careful analysis, the following results

were emerged:

Quantitative research:

Based on the field research via quantitative analysis in three countries

(Bangladesh, Palestine and Uganda), the following results are generalised for all OIC countries

which have similar contexts of Bangladesh, Palestine and Uganda.


Current skill level and critical success in TVET sector:

The critical success factors of

vocational education in OICmember countrieswere identified via six items (The detailed of each

item is discussed in Chapter 7).


Government’s initiatives in TVET sector (current practices, initiatives, and success)

were investigated in this theme by means of six items.


TVET sectors and industrial relationship:

In order to find out relationship among TVET

institutions and industries in OIC member countries, ten items were identified in this study.


TVET and industries linkage and existing gap:

In order to find out the existing gap

between TVET institutions and industries, seven items were revealed in this study.


Role of NGO and other donor agencies


The contributions of NGOs and other donor

agencieswere investigated towards eradicating poverty via vocational education in OICmember
