Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
From Table 4.6 and Figure 4.5, we conclude that the government of Palestine has taken the
following initiatives for improving TVET sectors:
The government does not revise the curriculum regularly. The statement is undecided
based on themean value. However, the qualitative data and document analysis confirm
this statement.
TVET sectors are not taking initiative for installing (managing) latest/modern
Palestine does not have adequate training programs for updating instructors’ (teachers)
skills. Qualitative data shows that different donor agencies provide training programs
for enhancing teachers’ skills. However, these initiatives are not adequate.
TVET sectors do not take initiatives for changing peoples’ negative attitudes towards
skilled work.
Certainly, there is space for improvements in Government’s policies.
TVET sector of Palestine has scope for improvement towards enhancing skills level.
Similarly, qualitative data alsoshows that the government of Palestine (Gaza strip) has
fewer roles to play for the improvement of TVET sectors.
Figure 4.5: Government’s initiatives in TVET sector of Palestine
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00
Curriculum is revising regularly
Initiative for installing latest/modern equipment
Have training programs for updating instructors’…
Changing negative attitudes towards skilled work
Policies contributed in improving skills
The government has failed to update skills
Government’s initiatives in TVET sector of Palestine
X (Administrators)
X (teachers)