Muslim Friendly Tourism:
Regulating Accommodation Establishments
In the OIC Member Countries
working committee to define the MFT standard.
SMIIC has engaged private sector experts
and representatives in this process as advisors.
Other MFT Standards Being Developed
Several other countries are also exploring the adoption or possible development of MFT
standards, often based on an existing standard. For example, the Mexican Ministry of Tourism
is exploring the studies carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey on MFT
and conventional tourism market to meet their growing local demand.
Azerbaijan is also
developing its own MFT standard based on Turkey’s standards. Similarly, Korea has officially
approached Malaysian authorities to help develop a local MFT standard similar to
On the other hand, in Spain, an NGO, Instituto Halal, has taken the lead to
develop its own internal MFT standard, building on its experience in Halal food certification.
Some of the government officials interviewed within the context of this study have cited that
their countries are planning to introduce MFT regulations including; Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Uganda, Cameroon and Mali. Interviewees from Burkina Faso and the UAE indicated that they
have no plans for introducing MFT regulations. As Malaysia’s current and Turkey’s planned
MFT regulations are presented in detail in their respective case study, the following table
outlines the services that are to be regulated by the planned MFT regulations in Azerbaijan,
Uganda, Cameroon and Mali.
Made of up representatives from standardization bodies of SMIIC members including Cameroon, Gambia, Iran, Senegal,
Sudan, Tunusia, and Turkey, with observers from Bangladesh and Mauritania
Personal interview for MFT Standards. 21 Sept. 2016. SMIIC
Personal interview for MFT Standards. 27 Sept. 2016. General Directorate of Investment and Establishments, Ministry of
Culture and Tourism of Turkey
Personal interview for MFT Standards. Islamic Tourism Centre
E-mail interview. for MFT Standards .27 Sept. 2016