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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


values based affinity, security, and comfort (e.g. Halal food, family friendly environments,

prayer facilities, etc.)

1.2.2 Faith-based needs of Muslim Travelers

Six faith-based needs have been identified as the main areas for Muslim travelers. While the

majority of Muslim travelers adhere to some of these needs, the level of importance of them

varies among Muslims. A segmentation of Muslim travelers, based on these needs, is presented

later in the chapter.


Halal Food

Halal food is by far the most important service that a Muslim traveler is looking for when

traveling. Acceptability of the different levels of Halal food assurance varies among Muslims.

The following Table 3 illustrates the main types of “Halal” assurance provided by food outlets

and their acceptability by most Muslims.

Table 3: Halal assurance acceptability

Halal Assurance



Halal certified restaurants

Restaurants certified Halal by a

Halal Certification Body (HCB).

Most HCBs do not certify

restaurants that serve alcohol, but

some do.

Acceptable for all

Restaurants served by

only a Halal certified


Restaurants served from a kitchen

certified Halal by a HCB.

Acceptable for many

Self-assurance – claims to

serve only Halal food





Non-Muslim managed

The restaurant management/staff

claim all food served in the

restaurant is Halal


Acceptable for many


Not acceptable for many

Self-assurance – claims to

serve Halal food and non-

Halal food

The restaurant management/staff

claim that some food served in the

restaurant is Halal

Not acceptable for many

Self-assurance – claims to

serve only vegetarian or


The restaurant management/staff

claim that all food served is

vegetarian or seafood

Acceptable for many

Source: CrescentRating (2015) and MTSI (2015)


The acceptability also varies depending on the region the Muslim travelers are coming from.

Having food outlets with proper Halal assurance that is identifiable by the visitors is the best

option sought by Muslim visitors from South East Asia and Western Europe.

Halal certification is generally provided by local bodies. In some OIC member states, Halal

certification is regulated by one body that has been authorized to perform certification in the

country. Some OIC member states do not have such certification bodies certifying food


MasterCard-CrescentRating (2015); Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015 (MTSI); Singapore CrescentRating