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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


The Guardian (2014) in their article “Indonesia's Lombok promotes itself as 'Muslim-

friendly' tourism destination”, defines Muslim tourism as “sharia” tourism. It further

states that Muslim friendly destinations are a place with many mosques. Indonesia has

600,000 mosques it writes.

1.1.3 Islamic Tourism Centre of Malaysia

Malaysia is currently the only country with a tourism ministry driven program to drive MFT. In

2009, it set up the Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) under the Ministry of Tourism through a

cabinet legislature.

They have defined Islamic tourism as “any activity, event and experience undertaken in a

state of travel that is in accordance with Islam”


1.1.4 CrescentRating’s Glossary of terms

CrescentRating released the first edition of its “Halal Travel Glossary” in 2015. It features a list

of over 150 terms and expressions related to the Halal travel market, with an explanation of

each term in the context of lifestyle and travel. In order to better contextualize the terms and

suggest a more coherent set of definitions, the next sections will first describe and analyze

market segmentation and the description of the conceptual framework for MFT. Following

that, the study presents the suggested terms and definitions to be used for the MFT market.

1.2 Conceptual Framework of MFT

Based on the study analysis, MFT consists of the following three main components:


Key faith-based needs (Faith-based needs of the Muslim travelers)


Demand side key themes (Reasons and motivation for travel by Muslims)


Supply side key themes (Travel and hospitality services and facilities)

Figure 6: Conceptual Framework for Muslim Friendly Tourism

Source: CrescentRating (2015)


Islamic Tourism Centre (2014);

; Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism & Culture