Improving Customs Transit Systems
In the Islamic Countries
Accession to the Relevant International Instruments related to CTR
The ratification and implementation of the relevant international conventions including the
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, Customs
Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR
Convention), World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), Revised Kyoto
Convention, ATA Carnet system, and Customs Convention on Containers by OIC MS remains low
as represented i
n Figure 26.For example, 24 MS ratified the TIR Convention, but there are only 17 MS with National
Association that issue TIR carnets to facilitate CTR. Also, 11 countries are part of the Customs
Convention on Containers, while 12 countries are part of the International Convention on the
Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods. The best performance of the OIC MS is in respect
of the WTO TFA ratification (37 countries plus two countries that have not yet presented the
instrument of ratification) and Revised Kyoto Convention (34 countries).
Annex III
- 0presents a complete list if the OIC MS and membership in the conventions.
Figure 26: Accession to the relevant international conventions related to CTR
Source: authors' own compilation
The number of TIR carnets issued by specific OIC MS is presented in Table 46. Four countries in
2018 do not utilize the benefits of TIR carnets in the facilitation of CTR, while also there are
countries with a small number of issued TIR carnets. Turkey and Iran are the OIC MS with the
most issued TIR carnets (more than 85% from issued TIR carnets by all OIC MS in 2018), despite
a decreasing trend from 2016 to 2018. This is probably due to Turkey’s entry into the NCTS
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier
Controls of Goods
TIR Convention
TIR transit operation National Associations
World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement
Contracting Parties to the Revised Kyoto Convention
ATA Carnet system
Customs Convention on Containers, 1972