Single Window Systems
In the OIC Member States
databases is via secure communication network - CCN/CSI (common communication
network/common systems interface).
Web services are used for exchange of information, data and additional documents, messages
standards UN/EDIFACT (the latest upgrade of the CSI is converting EDIFACT to XML messages
standard and vice versa).
CZ Customs is using the business process catalogue from DG TAXUD (ARIS Business Process
Analysis Platform) for Business Process Modelling and Management.
The CZ Customs IT Architecture is based on the high availability concept using clustering and
virtualization for providing fault tolerant, load balancing and 24/7 availability of the services.
CZ Customs is using Czech Government mirror site for business continuity / disaster recovery.
Data warehouse and business intelligence are used for reporting and analysis services, as well
for monitor the KPI’s and performances of the IT system. In the short term it is planned to certify
Customs according to ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025.
Success Factors and Best Practices
Single Windows have the potential to drive trade facilitation reforms, but just being an IT
platform is not enough. Several success factors for implementing a SW project and achieving
long-term transformation have been identified by this and previous studies.
General Success Factors
Single Windows operate in a specific political, legal and institutional environment that impacts
the design and delivery of a SW project. There is not one single or one-size-fits all models that
governments could follow and adopt. Whilst each SW is tailored to the context these success
factors apply to every possible set up and therefore can guide planning and implementation of
a Single Window. General success factors are:
Political support and will to achieve cross-government adherence necessary for the
allocation of funds and the implementation of changes in each of the agencies concerned
by the SingleWindow. SingleWindow entities do not have executive powers and depend
on regulatory decisions by the Government. Cross-government support to the SW vision
needs to be mobilised prior to launching the project;
Enabling legal framework, which includes both a framework for the use of e-documents
and signature and a regulatory framework that has been streamlined and simplified.
Going paperless has a significant impact on cutting down times. Supporting a paperless
environment is not difficult from a technological point of view, but is often limited for
legal reasons;
Solid business model and allocation of resources, which enables long-term visibility of
funds to cover expenses and investments. Scarcity of resources can lead to focus on low-
costs changes and solutions over deeper and more complex but also more costly