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Preferential Trade Agreements and Trade Liberalization Efforts in the OIC Member States

With Special Emphasis on the TPS-OIC


Figure 31: Concentration of Jordanian Exports to the EU27, 1994-2011 (higher values indicate more

concentrated exports)

Calculations based on HS 6 digit data on Jordanian exports to the EU27 data

Freund and Portugal-Perez (2012) also document limited effects of FTAs with the EU for

several Middle East and North African (MENA) countries, including Jordan. Some positive

impact is found in empirical analysis utilising the gravity modelling framework for EU exports

to MENA countries, with hardly any impact on Jordan’s (and other MENA countries’ exports to

the EU. Authors suggest this may be due to the limited depth of the agreements, e.g. in

comparison to preferential agreements between European countries negotiating EU accession.


The Agadir agreement was signed by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia in February 2004. It

committed all parties to removing all tariffs on trade between them and to harmonizing their

legislation with regard to standards and customs procedures. The Agreement entered into

force in mid-2006 and its actual implementation started in 2007. The implementation is

overseen by the Agadir Technical Unit in Amman. The agreement is open to all Arab

Mediterranean countries that are members of the Arab League and that have association

agreements with the EU. Indeed, the parties as well as the EU have repeatedly encouraged

other Arab countries to join the Agadir Agreement. It is in line with the Arab league charter in

supporting mutual Arab cooperation and moving towards implementing Greater Arab Free

Trade Area (GAFTA)

The parties of the agreement are also members of the Barcelona process and have Association

Agreements with the EU establishing bilateral FTAs with the EU (see above for the discussion

of the Jordan-EU agreement). The EU was promoting the process leading to the Agadir

Agreement and also supports its implementation by providing financial resources to the

Agadir Technical Unit. The Agadir Agreement foresees the elimination of almost all customs

duties and similar charges on trade between the parties.