Reviewing Agricultural Trade Policies
To Promote Intra-OIC Agricultural Trade
Following the explanations summarized above, 5 product divisions are identified which have a
high growth rate and low level of intra-regional integration:
Sugars, sugar preparations and honey (abbreviated to “sugars”)
Meat and meat preparations (abbreviated to “meat”)
Feeding stuff for animals
Oilseeds and oleaginous fruit (abbreviated to “oilseeds”)
Live animals
Table 3. 9 Criterion for Taking Place in the List of Potential Importer Countries
Criteria in short
Criteria in detail
Be an importer in 2008
Country’s total import volume in the specific product division for
the year 2008 ≥ 1000 $
Be an importer in 2016
Country’s total import volume in the specific product division for
the year 2016 ≥ 1000 $
Have a high import growth
rate (2008-2016)
Country’s import growth rate in the specific product division ≥
OIC’s import growth rate in general agricultural products (4.3%)
Have a low intraregional
integration while importing
in 2016
Share of OIC in the import of the country in the specific product
division ≤ Share of intraregional trade in OIC countries’ total
agricultural imports (24.2%)
Source: Authors.
Table 3. 10 Criterion for Taking Place in the List of Potential Exporter Countries
Criteria in short
Criteria in detail
Be a substantial exporter in
Country’s total export volume in the specific product division for
the year 2016 ≥ One in 10 thousand of total exports in the
relevant product division worldwide
Have a low intraregional
integration while exporting
in 2016
Share of OIC in the export of the country in the specific product
division ≤ Share of intraregional trade in OIC countries’ total
agricultural imports (24.2%)
Source: Authors.
Table 3.8 summarizes the numerical interpretation of Figure 3.13 above. The analysis
demonstrates that the share of OIC group in total OIC imports of feeding stuff for animals is
lowest (8.1%). The other four products (sugars, meat, oilseeds and live animals) have OIC import
shares between 8.8% to 20.7%, all of which are lower than the average agricultural product
imports share of the OIC group in general (24.2%). Moreover, the five products have positive
and higher than average growth rates in OIC agricultural imports, thus creating a sound
potential for promotion of intra-OIC trade. This means that the OIC countries are already
importing these products for a variety of reasons since the import growth rates are high.
However, still for a variety of reasons, the OIC group countries do not have import of these
products from other exporting OIC group countries. There is a need to further explore the