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Authorized Economic Operator Programs

In the Islamic Countries:

Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership

83 Verification and Authorization

The verification procedures of Golden List applicants involves three-consecutive steps in

Jordan as shown in Figure 4.1:

Figure 4.1. Verification Steps

Source: Jordan Customs

Studying the application

The first step of verification procedure is the desk-study undertaken by the Regional and

Headquarters Customs officials by checking against a criteria list that varies with the type of

the operator (Table 4.3).

Field Audit

The second step of the verification procedure is field audit by Customs officials. The objective

of the field visit is to make sure that the company has well-documented “Customs Due

Diligence and Supply Chain Security” procedures and to verify that these procedures have

been already implemented and strictly-followed by the company.

The audit covers procedural security; access control; security of buildings, cargo,

documentation and data, personnel as well as business partners; standard of record keeping

system, electronic information sharing as well as financial and accounting control; awareness,

education and training.

More specifically, in order to be able to qualify for the GL program: (i) the “fundamental”

requirements should be met at 100 percent; (ii) the “important” requirements must again be

met at 100 percent but it is acceptable to present plans to improve the required compliance in

the specified time limits; (iii) the “desirable” requirements are not mandatory and should be

met as much as possible (Table 4.4).

Studying the


Field Audit
