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Authorized Economic Operators

In the Islamic Countries:

Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership


Private Sector Perspective

Reduced number of inspections (by expansion of green lane assignments)

Reduced post-release compliance audits

Pre-arrival clearance of goods

Immediate release of financially guaranteed cargo prior to declaration filing or


Giving priority to process declarations to import/export companies and QIZ

Exemption of loaded trucks for imports and exports from Customs escorts

Permitting the release of goods outside official working hours against guarantees

Double public guarantees for commercial companies

Double compact guarantees for clearance companies

Moral support to the companies via letters of appreciation by Customs

Increased reputation via publishing names of Golden List members on the Customs


4.1.3. Implementation

The Risk Management Directorate of Jordan Customs is in charge of the implementation of the

Golden List program in Jordan. The Regional Customs Offices which have the central unit for

the GL operations take part in the implementation process.

The GL program is promoted through the Customs website, brochures, social media, seminars

for trade companies and the Partnership Council. All directorates of the Jordan Customs

support the promotion of the GL program.

The operators of GL program in Jordan involve exporters, importers, clearance houses,

warehouses, transport and transport management companies along with qualified industrial

zones (QIZ). Application

Application can be voluntary or through nomination by Jordan Customs. Application

instructions are provided through standard operating procedures, manuals and public notices.

The following documents are submitted to the related Regional Customs Office during the time

of application: 1. Organizational structure. 2. Copy of permits granted to brokers by the

applicant company. 3. Action manual. 4. List of employees registered in social security. 5.

Latest tax return. 6. Audit contract 7. Copy of the ISO certificate if any 8. Tax audit report. 9.

Commercial register 10. Application to join the Golden List (Check List).

Self-Assessment (Check List)

One of the main requirements of the application procedure is filling out a self-assessment

questionnaire which is called “GL Check List”. The questionnaire varies with respect to the

type of the operator. The total number of questions vary as well but on average there are 100+

questions on topics ranging from Customs expertise to internal control procedures. The

common denominator of all questionnaires is the verification of supply chain security with 74

of 100+ questions belonging to this particularly important area.