Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
Food subsidies
Within a ftw OIC Mtmbtr Ceentritc, t.g. Iran anh Egypt, brtah ic cebcihizth. This subsidization
hac lth to an incrtact in brtah wactt het to itc lew cect or tee many leavtc b ting hanhth eet
anh net ta ttn (Shahneechi t t al., 2013]. Tht impact of thtct brtah cebcihitc ic cevtrth ferthtr
in th t rtport.
2.2. F ood serv ice sec to r fo o d w a s te
Werlhwiht, feeh cencemptien oetciht tht hemt ic a growing phtnemtnen that ic rapihly
gaining importanct het to itc impact on both cencemtrc anh tht feeh cycttm. In tht EU, it hac
b ttn tctimatth that approximately 12% of total feeh wactt originattc from tht feeh ctrvict
ctctor (FUSIONS, 2016], or 21kgc p tr ptrcen p tr ytar (WRAP, 2013], or an avtragt of 167g p tr
ptrcen p tr mtal for cemmenal cattring, anh 211g p tr ptrcen p tr mtal for cemmtrcial
rtctaerantc (MAAPRAT, 2011].
2 .2 .1 . D e fin itio n s
Tht feeh ctrvict (hocpitality) ctctor cemprictc of becintcctc anh ptep lt tngagth in prtparing
mtalc anh hrinkc for cencemptien oetciht of tht hemt (FUSION, 2016). Tht ctctor ic hivihth
into tht privatt (profit) anh peblic (cect) ctctorc (WRAP, 2011).
Tht privatt ctcter cemprictc ef becintcctc primarily trahing in cattring anh er previhing
accemmehatien with tht objtctivt to maximizt prefitc - tht feer largtct marktt oetlttc bting
qeick ctrvict rtctaerantc (QSRc), rtctaerantc, hottlc anh pebc. Tht privatt ctctor alce inclehtc
getcthoectc, b th & brtakfactc anh yeeth hocttlc. Tht peblic ctctor hifftrc in that hocpitality ic
net tht primary fenctien anh profit ic net tht main hrivtr anh ctrvict previcien ic th t ovtr-
rihing objtctivt t.g. cattring anh accemmehatien ctrvictc within tht prtmictc of ccheelc,
hecpitalc, pricenc, military facilititc ttc (WRAP, 2011) (ctt Tablt 10).
Table 10: Food service sector types
Private sector
Oetletc which hava table carvicac anh
whara tht concumer generally payc on
Italian, Chinaca, Inhian, bictrec,
fine riming
Quick Service
Restaurants (QSRs)
Oetlatc which may hava take-away or
eat-in, or both, anh whara the
cencemar generally payc whan
perchacing feeh or hrink
Fact feehc, cafac, taka awayc,
fich anh chipc chepc, canhwich
barc, pep-ep eetletc
Oetlatc which fecec on previhing
alcohol. Meeh calac are lacc than 50%
of tm'nover
Pebc (tanantah, managah
branhah, managah
unbranded), wine barc,
Oetletc which previha overnight
accemmehatien anh whara feeh
acceentc for lacc than 50% of ternevar
Hetalc, bah &braakfactc, yeeth
hetalc, caravan parkc