Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
Figure 2: Link between food security and food waste
Food security
Stability of food provision
Environmental sustainability
Source: UNEP (2014)
In addition, the increasing food price crisis has brought the issue of food waste into sharp focus,
and many countries, international and inter-governmental organizations and NGOs have paid
attention on to how to reduce it.
In response to the volumes of food wasted globally, and where understood nationally, several
significant initiatives have been implemented to curb food waste growth. For example, the
launch of the ‘SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction’ by the FAO and
Messe Düsseldorf in 2011 (FAO, 2016b] - a global partnership of organisations wishing to
reduce food waste and eradicate hunger. Other significant global activities include the United
Nation Environment Program’s (UNEP) ‘Think.Eat.Save: Reduce your foodprint’ campaign
(launched in 2012], and most recently the coming together of executives from governments,
businesses, international organisations, research institutions, farmer groups and civil society to
accelerate progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3 by 2030
(Champions123, 2016a].
Probably one of the most recognised initiatives is the United Kingdom’s Waste & Resources
Action Programme’s (WRAP) ‘Love Food Hate Waste Campaign’, which has set a precedent for
undertaking food waste research and delivery of a highly successful food waste reduction