Improving Agricultural Statistics in the COMCEC Region
Table 73: Classification Systems Used in Cameroon
ISIC (International Classification type, by Industry, for all
economic activity domain) - National
CPC (Central Product Classification), Mapping of CPC
Version 2
HS (Harmonized System)
2007 (SH4, SH6, SH8,
SH10, SH12)
SNA (System of National Accounting) Harmonized System
Source: SSAQ Results.
Main Agricultural Surveys and Data Sources
Agricultural Censuses:
The first and latest agricultural census took place in 1972 with the
financial assistance of USAID in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture formerly MINAGRI.
The second agricultural census conducted in 1984 which was a random sample survey using
the areal technique for defining the statistical population study. Collect in the traditional
sector, data on production, sales and prices of some 1 cycle crops, of continuous harvest crops,
and collect information on farming methods and crop areas of the second cycle. This census
was conducted by the MINAGRI, jointly financed with the Government of Cameroon and
Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Surveys
: Regular surveys on production, area and yield
of crops (mainly cereals and pulses), herd size, prices received by producers, as well as
wholesale and retail prices are conducted annually, monthly, weekly and daily.
The results
are published at national and provincial levels. The sampling frame used and available consists
of a comprehensive list of rural areas numbered from the General Census of Population and
Housing conducted in 2005. In general, stratified random sampling is employed to ensure the
dispersion of the sample at the national level. At the farm level, a proposed stratified random
sampling technique is often used. The strata are the selected Regions. Within the selected
Region, the sub stratums can be the crops grown. Famers are selected at their
homesteads/farmstead, and details information is collected on their socio-economic
characteristics (sex, age, material status, household size, level of education) farming systems
and information related to farming experience, crop cultivated and area, sources of seeds,
production constraints, production and use, cash expenditure, family labour inputs, and
marketing outlets; and farmers are interviewed in the selected Regions and for the selected
crops. This is one method among others. Total area is divided into strata within each Region.
The stratification is done on topographic maps or photo plans with the collaboration of local
technical services of MINADER. Strata used are: Large cities, small towns, villages, non-
irrigated annual crops, irrigated annual crops, fruit plantations, forests, fallow and rangelands.
Sample size at each administrative unit is fixed dependent on the agricultural importance of
the unit concerned and the diversity of agricultural crops that are produced.
CountrySTAT, 2014.
INS, 2007and INS, 2008.