Improving Public Debt Management
In the OIC Member Countries
Among the OIC countries, 62% countries have established a formal debt management strategy;
this share is similar to the worldwide average of 60%. Among the OIC member countries with a
formal public debt management strategy, 78% have published this document. Among the OIC
member countries with a formal public debt management strategy, 68% use strategic targets
and benchmarks, which is a share lower than the worldwide average of 77%. Out of these
countries, 63% have set targets for currency risk, 58% have set targets for refinancing risk,
and 53% have set targets for interest rate risk. In contrast, on a global view, it is most common
to set strategic targets for refinancing risk (66%), followed by interest rate risk (56%) and
currency risk (50%). Targets used for currency risk include the share of foreign currency debt
in total debt, while targets used for interest rate risk include the share of fixed interest debt in
total debt and the average time to refixing. Finally, targets used for refinancing risk include a
ceiling on maturing debt within one year (in % of total outstanding debt) and the average time
to maturity.