COMCEC Financial Outlook 2018
Financial Efficiency
Bank lending-
deposit spread
Difference between lending rate and deposit rate. Lending rate is the rate
charged by banks on loans to the private sector and deposit interest rate is the
rate offered by commercial banks on three-month deposits.
Bank return on
assets (%, after
Commercial banks’ after-tax net income to yearly averaged equity.
Bank return on
equity (%, after
Commercial banks’ after-tax net income to yearly averaged equity.
Stock market
turnover ratio (%)
Total value of shares traded during the period divided by the average market
capitalization for the period.
Financial Stability
Bank non-
performing loans
to gross loans (%)
Ratio of defaulting loans (payments of interest and principal past due by 90 days
or more) to total gross loans (total value of loan portfolio). The loan amount
recorded as nonperforming includes the gross value of the loan as recorded on
the balance sheet, not just the amount that is overdue.
Bank capital to
total assets (%)
Ratio of bank capital and reserves to total assets. Capital and reserves include
funds contributed by owners, retained earnings, general and special reserves,
provisions, and valuation adjustments. Capital includes tier 1 capital (paid-up
shares and common stock), which is a common feature in all countries' banking
systems, and total regulatory capital, which includes several specified types of
subordinated debt instruments that need not be repaid if the funds are required
to maintain minimum capital levels (these comprise tier 2 and tier 3 capital).
Total assets include all nonfinancial and financial assets.
Bank regulatory
capital to risk-
weighted assets
The capital adequacy of deposit takers. It is a ratio of total regulatory capital to
its assets held, weighted according to risk of those assets.