Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
Government initiatives
allocate required funds to improve TVET sectors;
Building Capacity:
focus more on building capacity of TVET institutions;
Quality education and training:
Policy and monitoring systems are urgently needed for
ensuring quality education and training;
Increase number of TVET institutions:
increase the number of TVET institutions;
Social value:
take necessary steps to increase social status of TVET graduates;
Linking with NGOs:
work more closely with NGOs and other donor agencies.
D. NGO and other Donor agencies
Since, government inmany cases may not be in position to offer training for the huge
population alone, other NGOs, donor agencies and private sectors should extend their supports
towards the development of TVET sectors.
Establishing a council:
Government should form a body (council), which will make a liaison
among TVET institutions (both private and government), NGOs and other donor agencies to
minimise the gap among them and to utilise the funds in a right direction and to collaborate and
monitor the activities. Interviewdatamore specifically suggested that theworkand activities of
any NGO should be monitored and observed closely. The funds which are allocat ed from donor
agencies, should be properly utilised for the development of TVET sectors.
From my point of view, I think if we [Government] can establish an institution or a
council that can be the umbrella of all of the NGOs and prepare a new strategic plan
that can be implant in the coming years. It is like a center that develops the curricula,
staff, etc… and all should contribute (linked) in this. (PP1)
Of course we have funding institutions such as GIZ, Belgium, Koreans and Swiss, but the
problem is that there is no coordination and cooperation in these efforts between
institutions in the field of vocational and technical education. (PP1)
Other recommendations:
Allocate require fund for those countries who is struggling extreme poverty in the OIC
member states,
NGOs and donor agencies should provide small funds to the poor skilled people to start -
up new business through entrepreneurship,
The NGOs and other donor agencies should work together with the government in
formulating projects, policies and other initiatives to reduce poverty and