Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
In Gaza strip
, Government of Palestine, NGOs and other donor agencies including OIC
should organize special training programs for TVET teachers and trainers focusing on
building their strength towards entrepreneurship education.
Specific to Uganda
The government of Uganda should extend
program to remote areaswith an
aim of targeting poor families.
Monitoring system should focus more on ensuring appropriate use of budget, resources,
and donated equipment within TVET sector
NGOs andother donor agencies
It is important to note that, all NGOs, donor agencies and OIC should work jointly with
governments to achieve the above stated (
Government of OIC countries)
initiatives more particularly, initiatives towards eradicating poverty. Apart from that, they
Allocate required funds for those countrieswho are strugglingwith extreme poverty;
Manage small funds to the poor-skilled-people to start-up new business.
Specific to Bangladesh
STEP project with its current operation needs to be continued until the objectives of the
projects are completely achieved.
Specific to Palestine (Gaza Strip)
In order to eradicate poverty, NGOs and donor agencies should increase their continual efforts
allocating funds and other initiatives towards the development of TVET;
creating job opportunities in order to reduce unemployment rates;
Offering free skill trainings for poor.
OIC initiatives
In order to attract more female students in TVET sector in Islamicworld, governments and
OIC both should come forward to build female institutions in different regions of a given
OICmay work with governments of member states for formulating long termplans (vision)
towards improving TVET sector with an emphasis on poverty eradication.
Specific to Palestine (Gaza Strip)
OIC along with other NGOs (donor agencies) should take initiatives towards development of
TVET sectors in Gaza strip (Palestine) or countries with similar problems (for example Syria).
Few initiatives are worth to mentioning:
Allocate funds for building infrastructure;
Manage andmotivate TVET experts to share their expertise for developing TVET sectors;
Introduce scholarship schemes such as free tuition and monthly stipend (like in
Bangladesh) for female students;