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Page Background

Education of Disadvantaged Children in OIC:

The Key to Escape from Poverty


general high school, and 12.8 vs. 11.3 in vocational and technical high schools, there is not much

evidence available regarding the quality of education.


From basic to secondary education, across all types of schools, there are 17,319,433 students

enrolled in formal education under MoNE administration. Across the 62,250 schools, there are

682,761 classrooms where a total of 1,005,380 teachers work. Out of these 1 million teachers,

around 2 percent (17,877) are contractual teachers, and the rest (987,503) have permanent

contracts with the MoNE.


Trends in Access to Schooling

Figure 34 Gross enrolment ratios for different levels of education, 2000 - 2013, Turkey

Source: UNESCO Institute of Statistics Database

There is an upward trend in access to schooling over the years at all levels of schooling. However,

enrolment in preschool education remains low (se

e Figure 34 )



Every year the MoNE releases the most up-to-date education statistics in Turkey. The most

recently published numbers (for 2017) show that net enrolment rate in basic education (primary

and lower secondary) was 92.40 percent in 2001, and reached 98.7 percent in 2011. However,

there appears to have been a deterioration in the last four years and the net enrolment ratio for

basic education fell to 96.51 percent in 2017. When we consider the net enrolment ratios in

primary and lower secondary education separately, the figures are 91.16 percent for primary


This information is provided by Ministry of National Education through formal writing.


Ministry of National Education Strategy Development Presidency (2017)


According to Ministry of National Education (2017) in 2013, pre-primary net enrolment ratio is 27.7% for 3-5 year olds and

37.5% for 4-5 year olds.








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Gross enrolment ratio (percent)



Lower secondary

Upper secondary