Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
Source: SWOV
Develop monitoring
Implement regional
pilot projects
Develop strategies to
improve capacity and
resource allocation for
trauma response and
Funding for
emergency and
trauma care
of trauma and
Fast and efficient
transport to a
Maintain and
improve effective
emergency and
trauma care and
Road safety data
Establish central
transport and driver
licensing registries to
manage data on the
number of vehicles
and drivers on the
road which are easily
accessible for
enforcement agencies;
Establish a reliable
crash reporting and
recording system
Develop programmes
to obtain
supplementary data
for road safety
management (traffic
volumes; speeds; etc.)
Evaluate and improve
crash registrations
Develop supportive
road safety indicators
Establish central
transport and driver
licensing registries to
manage data on the
number of vehicles
and drivers on the
road which are easily
accessible for
enforcement agencies
Establish linkages
between national
causes of death
statistics to assess and
validate fatalities;
Establish or adopt
tools for local highway
and police authorities
to undertake data
collection, analysis
and monitoring
techniques and
database management
Report road safety
results and progress
made and make
interactive crash data
systems available on
the Internet
Establish databases
to identify and
monitor final
outcomes and road
safety indicators and
their outputs;
Establish and
publishes the socio-
economic cost of
road traffic injuries;
Establish travel
patterns and
exposure in the
system of different
types of road use
through periodic
national travel
(mobility) surveys;
Establish linkages
between police
reports and hospital
admissions data or to
assess levels of
Conduct before and
after studies to
establish the
effectiveness of
specific road safety
measures ;