Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
Lead Agency Role
Encouraging promotion at
the local level
Mobilises local leadership and support to help achieve road
safety strategy goals;
Develops and funds targeted community road safety programs
and supports local road safety coordinators.
Source: adapted from Bliss and Breen, 2009
Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation deal with the on-going and systematic measurement of road safety
performance measures and indicators in order to assess and evaluate the efficacy of introduced
measures and interventions. The Country Guidelines have identified thee core tasks in which
the lead agency has a dominant role
(Table 7).
Table 7: Lead Agency role in monitoring and evaluation
Lead Agency role
Establishing and
supporting data
systems to set and
monitor final and
intermediate outcome
and output targets
Establishes databases to identify and monitor final and intermediate
outcomes and outputs;
Establishes and publishes the socio-economic cost of road traffic
Establishes central computerised transport and driver licensing
registries to manage data on the number of vehicles and drivers on
the road which are easily accessible for enforcement agencies;
Establishes travel patterns and exposure in the system of different
types of road use through periodic national travel surveys (mobility
Establishes linkages between police reports and hospital admissions
data or to assess levels of underreporting;
Establishes linkages between national causes of death statistics to
assess and validate traffic fatalities;
Establishes or supports existing safety rating programs on new cars
and road networks which provide SPIs;
Conducts before and after studies to establish the effectiveness of
specific road safety measures and in-depth studies to ascertain
contributory factors, and the causes and consequences of injury;
Establishes or adopts tools for local highway and police authorities to
undertake data collection, analysis and monitoring techniques and
database management.