Elements of the
conceptual framework
Guiding questions identified by COMCEC
Topics of analysis under the elements of the conceptual
PPP contractual
Performance metrics
applicable further to their operation and
maintenance, including financial aspects
Describe the rationale behind the identification
ad choice of the procurement routes
Review risk sharing matrices for the PPP
transport projects, specifying which project
risks were assumed by whom (public, private,
Discuss their pros and cons from the risk
management point of view
Explore the financing schemes adopted for PPP
transport projects, including details on
debt/equity ratios
Discuss the pros and cons of the selected PPP
methods, with a focus on risk allocation and
Examine the typical concession/contract
periods of transport PPP projects and the
rationale behind its definition
Describe the type of risks identified and
allocated to the parties involved in PPPs for the
different options of PPP arrangements,
including the ones that may be external to the
project, i.e. environmental risks
With reference to case examples, and based on
data availability, compare the foreseen and
actual (real) values of the main performance
parameters (traffic, revenue, tariff ...)
Examine the rationale, structure and content of
output and performance measurement of PPPs
Analyze howperformance metrics is linkedwith
payment to the private party or compensation
to the public
Analyze the rationales underpinning risk
allocation (or risk transfer) strategies
PPP contractual arrangements
: According to the risk sharing
matrices for the PPP transport projects, which project risks are
allocated to public and private party? Which types of project
risks are shared? What are the pros and cons from the risk
management point of view? What type of financing schemes
are adopted for PPP transport projects? What are the main
features of each type of financing scheme? What are the pros
and cons of the selected PPP methods, from a risk allocation
and management point of view? What is the typical
concession/contract period of transport PPP projects? What is
the rationale behind? What are the types of risks (including the
ones that may be external to the project, i.e. environmental
risks) identified and allocated to the parties involved in PPPs
for the different options of PPP arrangements? What is the
rationale underpinning risk allocation (or risk transfer)
Performance metrics
: How do the foreseen values of the main
performance parameters (traffic, revenue, tariff ...) compare
with the actual ones? What is the rationale, the structure and
content of output and performance measurement of PPPs?
: How is performance metrics linked with
payment to the private party or compensation to the public?
Statistics and