Risk Management in Transport PPP Projects
In the Islamic Countries
feasibility study; d) Reviewing the program of the detailed studies for the
preparation of the project and its subsequent implementation;
Directorate of Assistance and Advice in Financial Structuring
de l’Assistance et du Conseil en Montages Financiers), responsible for: a)
Reviewing the economic and financial analyses of the major projects, proposed by
the project promoter and propose the best financing structure based on Cost-
Benefit Analyses; b) Proposing the most appropriate financial arrangements and
financing structure for major capital projects, based on Cost-Benefit Analyses, and
provide expertise and technical assistance on operational solutions; c) Identifying
projects and public services that can be implemented under a Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) initiative or Public Service Obligation contract; d) Proposing
training and capacity-building initiatives for the benefit of the staff of the
organizations involved in PPP projects; e) Working towards the establishment of
favorable conditions for the development of PPPs;
Project ImplementationMonitoring Department
(La Direction du Suivi de
la Réalisation des Projets), responsible for: a) Monitoring and evaluating the
physical and financial implementation of major projects; b) Preparing quarterly
and annual progress reports (physical, financial, procurement, updating of
implementation schedules) of major projects, based on information gathered
from the line Ministries and other works supervisors and at the Ministry of
Finance; c) Analyzing the causes of delays and other problems during the
implementation phase, with a view to preparing recommendations for
appropriate, specific or general actions to anticipate the risk factors of additional
costs and delays; d) Preparing, together with the procuring authorities, the
completion reports of major projects construction implementation; e)
Recommending the realization by the building owners of technical audits of major
Directorate of the Ex-post Assessment of Projects
(Direction de
l’Evaluation Rétrospective des Projets), responsible for: a) Conducting with the
assistance of line Ministries and other procuring authorities, ex-post assessment
studies of major projects identified by the General Director of the Fund; b)
Assessing to what extent the expected objectives as well as the parameters related
to the project (i.e. achievement of economic and social targets, environmental
impacts, effectiveness of organizational and institutional arrangements, control
of investment and operating costs, implementation deadlines, etc.) have been
achieved; c) Analyzing any shortcomings in the process of preparation and
analysis of major projects; d) Suggesting changes to this process to improve the
efficiency of public expenditure.
In order to perform the above tasks CNED has also established in 2018 a
framework partnership agreement with the
Research Centre for Applied
Economics for Development
(Centre de Recherches en Economie Appliquée