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Risk Management in Transport PPP Projects

In the Islamic Countries


Concerning specifically the transport sector,

traffic and demand studies

are also generally

performed by BNETD to evaluate the potential demand and (if applicable) revenue. Currently,

there is no national transport model in Côte d’Ivoire. Hence, freight and extra-urban passenger

transport studies undertaken by BNETD rely mostly on direct data collection and processing.

Traffic and passenger counts, O/D surveys and stated preferences are generally used as data

collection methods.

A formal and comprehensive approach is instead adopted for transport and traffic analysis in

the city of Abidjan, where a full four-stage transport model for passenger traffic was developed

by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the development of the city transport

masterplan (Schéma directeur d'urbanisme du grand Abidjan – STUGA). The model was then

transferred to the Ministry of Transport, and it is used and updated regularly since then. The

model can be distributed to private companies in charge of studies concerning investment in

Abidjan or can be used directly by BNETD that has developed internal capabilities in transport

modelling, also by means of dedicated training with the software provider.

Public consultations

. According to the regulations in Côte d’Ivoire, the main decisions and acts

concerning public procurement are subject to

publicity measures

. The Public Procurement

Code prescribes the publication of all the projects in the national bulletin of public works and/or

in international newspapers. Also, according to the PPP Decree, the contracting authority has to

publish the PPP contract award notice specifying the name of the contractor and a synthesis of

the contractual provisions.

On the other side, no procedure for

public participation

in the decision-making process is

currently foreseen in Côte d’Ivoire. On the other side, it is a quite common practice that for

initiatives co-financed by international organization public consultations are undertaken. This

is the case for instance of projects receiving assistance by the World Bank, as the Bank has

specific guidelines for public participation. No specific rules for PPP projects are foreseen.

Special arrangements for PPPs

In Côte d’Ivoire, the in-depth appraisal of a PPP project generally takes place after the project

has been clearly identified and screened for PPP suitability. However, in the pre-tendering


in-depth economic and financial analysis

of projects is performed, with a specific focus

on the financial viability of the project. At this stage, also Value-for-Money analysis is performed,

and public sector comparator is used to confirm the project suitability for PPPs. Such PPP-

specific evaluations are based on guidelines and methods internally defined by the CNP-PPP and

are not published. A

PPP risk management toolkit

has been recently developed by the CNP-

PPP with the support of external specialized consulting firms. Existing guidelines for PPP

analyses in support of decision-making process have been also improved.