Sustainable Destination Management
Strategies in the OIC Member Countries
Table 31: Promotion - Best Practices versus OIC Examples
Olav Ways invit
British journalists to experience the route leading to
the publishing of blog entries and articles in various outlets.
The Council of Europe’s cultural routes participation in the “Chinese
Virtual Tourism Fair” to promote Chinese tourism in Europe.
Council of Europe website, “Crossing Routes – Blogging Europe”
highlighting the experiences of travel bloggers in certified cultural routes
countries, including user-generated multimedia content.
The GMS TC website
“” combining traditional
promotional materials from newsletters and destination information with
interactive tools such as “Mekong Moments” which share user-generated
content from social media platforms on an interactive map.
Silk Road documentaries, participation of corridor member countries in
travel fairs, and blogger competitions.
Umayyad Route website featuring documentary videos and guidebooks for
corridor member countries, participation in travel fairs, and
familiarization trips.
Holy Family familiarization trips for tour guides to Holy Family sites in