Destination Development and
Institutionalization Strategies
In the OIC Member Countries
In terms of growth in total NSW visitor nights and overnight expenditure, Destination NSW measures
and compares both actual domestic and international visitor nights to target domestic and
international visitor nights.
In terms of media exposure, themetrics used byDestinationNSWinclude; the number of media articles,
the equivalent advertising value, the number of co-sponsored media visits to Sydney and regional
destinations, the number of media participants (domestic and international media films), and the
number of pitch and servicing engagements with media.
In terms of consumer response to marketing activity, the metrics used by Destination NSW include; visits
to tourism & events consumer websites, visits to
Vividsydney.comconsumer website, and business
leads to industry generated by digital and campaign activity.
Funding sources for DMOs
As of June 2017, DestinationNSWreceived $159.7million and themain sources of revenuewere recurrent
Government grants fromNSWTreasury of $148.1million, contributions received from Industry and other
parties of $11.3 million to participate in marketing activities and other income $0.3 million.
In the four years leading up to 2016, the NSW Government invested $500 million to fund Destination
NSW’s new tourism and events strategy. As a part of this initiative the NSW Government established the
Visitor Economy Task Force to develop a strategy to double overnight visitor expenditure to NSW by
As of 2017, the Visitor Economy Task Force strategy is 92% complete. Since 2011, Destination
NSW has retained 535 events that will deliver $3 billion in visitor expenditure to NSW. Destination NSW
established Destination Networks, secured partnerships with service providers, and hosted major travel
and tourism events.
In terms of ensuring accountability and transparency, Destination NSW, as a government agency, has
instituted an Electronic Document Records Management System and Treasury Financial Management
Transformation System that is used by all NSW Government agencies. It has also transitioned to NSW
Government Contractor Central, which is an online tool that manages the recruitment, administration,
invoicing and management of contingent workers. Furthermore, Destination NSW Audit and Risk
Committee provides assistance on the agency’s governance processes and external accountability
DMOs can partner with government and industry stakeholders for funding support.
Lessons Learned
Australia’s decentralized DMO structure has been successful by creating targeted brand locations
across the country with different offerings
DMOs can emulate the success of Australia’s DMOs by leveraging large convention centers to host
major events including international expos, concerts, sporting events, and art shows.
Destination NSW Annual Report 2016-2017
(1-136, Rep.). (2017). Destination NSW. Retrieved from
Final Report of the Visitor Economy Task Force
(1-185, Rep.). (2012). Sydney, NSW: Visitor Economy Task Force. Retrieved from
Destination NSW Annual Report 2016-2017
(1-136, Rep.). (2017). Destination NSW. Retrieved from