Authorized Economic Operators
In the Islamic Countries:
Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership
Please describe any mechanisms to allow business partners to bring questions, concerns
and suggestions to Customs attention and receive prompt consideration and response.
Benefits of AEO Status
Please list and describe the benefits the AEO program provides to traders.
How were these benefits developed, and did representatives of the trading community
have significant input?
Are these benefits different depending on the type of economic actor, and did they take
into account their different business models? Please elaborate.
Has Customs encountered any resistance from other border agencies or agencies with
import/export responsibilities to providing any specific benefits? If so, how has Customs
dealt with this?
Has Customs surveyed its current AEO partners to gauge their satisfaction with the
program and identify opportunities for improvement? If so, what did it find?
Does Customs have different levels of benefits for different types or tiers of operators? If
so, please elaborate.
Are there any existing compliance initiatives through which Customs offers benefits? If so,
please describe them. Are these pre-existing compliance initiatives a barrier to the success
of the AEO?
Did Customs solicit inputs from other government agencies when determining AEO
benefits? Which agencies were included in these consultations, and what were the
overarching responses?
AEO Program Training and Capacity Building
Please describe existing training resources for Customs officers to learn about and
effectively carry out the AEO program.
Has Customs established any new Customs technical specialty positions such as Cargo
Security Specialist? If so, were training needs satisfied or is there a need for specialist
training? If not, does Customs foresee a need for any new specialist positions?
Has Customs developed any training modules on AEO validations to ensure a harmonized
approach towards the requirements of the SAFE Framework of Standards?
Please describe any joint training activities/workshops undertaken with the private sector
to enhance understanding of each other’s roles/responsibilities in the supply chain.
What have been the most difficult obstacles to overcome in the development and
implementation of the AEO program? Was Customs able to overcome these obstacles to its
satisfaction? Please elaborate.
What challenges have been faced in the identification of benefits? If traders already enjoy
trade facilitation benefits, how does Customs enhance upon this with the AEO benefits?
How does Customs overcome this obstacle to ensure trader buy-in?
What does Customs think can be improved within its AEO program?