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Authorized Economic Operators

In the Islamic Countries:

Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership


ANNEX VI. Interview Questions with OIC Countries’ Custom Authorities

in Case Studies

Outline of the AEO Program


Why do you implement an AEO program? Objectives?


What is the legal framework under which the program is designed and implemented?


Were legal requirements an impediment or do they still pose impediments to the full

development of the AEO program? If so, were legislative or regulatory changes enacted or

are they in the process of being enacted? Please elaborate.


How was the awareness about AEO program created? Explain.


What form of instructions have been provided to the AEO operators and to Customs

officers (standard operating procedures, manuals, public notices, etc.)?


Please list and elaborate on what plans there are to increase the number and types of

operators in the AEO program.


Were there any best practices that you used as a guideline in your design and

implementation of the AEO program? Explain.


What were the country-specific challenges that were addressed during the design and


Application, Verification, and Authorization


Please list and elaborate on the AEO application, verification and authorization procedures

for the AEO program.


Please list and elaborate on the self-assessment mechanism/checklist criteria, if any, that

prospective AEOs fill out during the application.


Please list the types and number of documents to be submitted.


What is the estimated time spent on the authorization process by Customs?


What are the selection criteria and methods?

Security and Compliance Requirements


Please list and elaborate on the compliance requirements for the AEO program. This can

include requirements such as the compliance record of the applicant, financial

solvency/integrity, maintenance of commercial records, and compliance programs.


Please list and elaborate on the physical security requirements of the AEO program. This

can include requirements related to cargo, conveyance and/or premises security, IT

security and trade partner security, including but not limited to the use of seals, restricted

areas, identification of employees and visitors, gate, gateman, keys, fence, surveillance

camera, etc.