Facilitating Trade:
Improving Customs Risk Management Systems
In the OIC Member States
Figure 45: CRM Process in ACA
Source: Albanian Customs Administration
Profiling and targeting
Two levels of profiles exist: national and local. National and local risk profiles are applied
centrally. However, customs officers at BCPs are not motivated to enhance/update the risk
profiles into the system. Customs officers can re-channel the customs declaration with the
permission of the shift leader. The re-channel the customs declaration can be allowed only if the
customs declaration is re-channel on a higher level of customs control (ex. yellow to red
Currently, ACA has 298 on import and 54 active risk profiles on transit procedure. There is an
average of minimum 3 risk indicators per risk profile. The PCA – blue channel is not yet
integrated into AW. This is one of the main obstacles for the proper implementation of the AEO
concept. ACA is applying random targeting on two levels. The first level is random targeting on
the green channel in AW within a predefined timeframe. The random selectivity rate on the
green channel is 0.25 % of a total number of the customs declaration. If the customs officer
decides to check the shipment, the customs declaration is re-channel. In case when the customs
declaration is not selected for control, the monitoring unit can decide to select the customs
declaration for control. The percentage of the second level of control (bymonitoring unit) is 0.50
% in average of the total number of customs declarations.
Evaluation of outcomes/feedback
As mentioned before, the AW is not providing an assessment on the risk profiles/indicators that
match/hit the customs declaration. The feedback from control is entered in the AW that consist
of the dropdown list fromwhere the customs officer can select one irregularity and the text field