Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
voluntary commitmenttosustainablefood production. In Ireland,Food Drink Ireland (FDI), which
is the main trade association for the food and drink industry, represents the interests of its
members and encourages the safety and sustainability of food production systems. It
disseminates information to its members regarding national, European and global regulations
and initiatives, as well as best practices for compliance and sustainability.
Non-governmental organizations on the national, regional and international levels highlight the
importance of food security and tackling food crises.
National NGOs play an especially important
role in enhancing food security. In Ireland, NGOs
and rural communities are involved in
programs to ensure food security through various initiatives, such as the LEADER initiative that
allows for the creation of local action groups
to design
and implement local development
In the U.S., Feeding America is an NGO that supports social safety nets and resilience
building for vulnerable households.
Regional organizations are instrumental in bringing together stakeholders in their efforts to
promote food security. Both the African Union and the ASEAN, in collaboration with the World
Economic Forum, created partnerships between government, civil society and private sector
In 2011, the African Union, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum,
launched Grow Africa, which provided support to 10 million farmers in 12 African countries.
Grow Africa launched several platforms—including national cassava platforms in Ghana,
Nigeria, and Mozambique, national rice platforms in West and East Africa, and the East African
potato platform. The platforms connect businesses to financiers building links along the value
chain and encourage regional coordination in several areas, including land reform and financing
solutions. The ASEAN, in collaboration with theWorld Economic Forum, initiated the GrowAsia
Partnership in 2015 to provide access to knowledge, technology and finance to 10 million
smallholder farmers by 2020.
As part of the European Union (EU), Ireland benefits from support and guidance in the area of
food security through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) program and its associated
initiatives, which provide the basis for strategic planning in the agricultural sector , direct
income support, and incentives to farmers to adopt climate mitigation measures. The EU
provides funding for a number of projects benefiting the agricultural sector in Ireland , including
the Rural Development Program, the Horizon 2020 program, and European Innovation
Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability.
International organizations, including many UN agencies, are actively fighting hunger and
promoting food security around the globe. Eliminating hunger and food insecurity is one of the
UN Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO) main strategic goals. The World Food Program
(WFP) mainly tackles food emergencies, while the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD) aims to fight rural poverty, hunger and malnutrition. The World Bank
provides funding for food projects and programs, while the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP) tackles a number of issues including food security.
The Food Drink IrelandWebsite. (2019). Retrieved
DAFM. (2018). Annual Review and Outlook for Agriculture, Food and theMarine 2018.” Retrieved from
Feeding America.2018.
World Economic Forumwebsite.
“Representation in Ireland. (2019). European Commission. Retrieved fro
m policy-areas/agriculture_en87
UN website.