Improving Agricultural Statistics in the COMCEC Region
Resource needs,
Organizational needs,
Methodological needs.
The term “resource” can be defined as capital facilities and assets under public ownership, or
operated or maintained for the collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics.
These include working spaces, furnitures, office equipmentand ICT equipment, connection
facilities, vehicles, etc.
Organizational needs assessment can help close performance gaps to allow for continuous
improvement. Methodological needs were separated from organizational needs; even though
there is a strong relationship between them. Organizational needs should be perceived as the
needs that regulate coordination issues relating to collection, analysis and dissemination of
agricultural statistics.
The methodological approach
helps to identify what knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
behaviors are necessary for people to successfully perform their roles in their organization for
the collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics. Therefore, for the purpose
of training and individual development, the methodological approach can be applied to
assessing training needs.
Gupta, Sleezer, & Russ-Eft, 2007.